www.photoroyaltyfree.eu – the only Italian multi language platform which allows both professional photographers and amateurs to upload directly their pictures sold under Royalty Free license – enriches with a new multi-images upload system.
Images’ upload is now much easier and faster: using this new upload images' system you will be able to select more images and put them directly in the browser window simply using drag and drop. Subsequently, the system will transfer images on the server and then read the information filled in the relative field in the images’ exif file (the so-called info file).
This new system will be highly useful mainly for those photographers who have a huge images’ archive and who have confidence with the exif file compilation.
The fields are three - title, keywords and description (caption in some adobe version) - and the language is the same one chosen during the enrolment procedure as photographer.
The system will check if these three fields have been correctly filled in and will ask you to confirm them before proceeding. In case of blanks, the system will point out the problem and stop the insertion. This will grant the correct filing of the images, which will be easily searched by the potential buyers.
In order to use this new system, it’s only necessary a good and fast internet connection (adsl or T1). If you don’t have these requirements or exif file fields already correctly filled in, you might continue using the traditional upload system which allows you to upload each image separately and fill the title, description and keywords field one-by-one.
On www.photoroyaltyfree.eu, in the photographers’ personal page, you will find all the details for choosing one of the two images’ insertion methods and the relative instructions.
www.photoroyaltyfree.eu has been created by Starring, a web company which uses the most advanced web-oriented technologies, focusing on initiatives and projects concerning the photography sector in particular.
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