Milan, March 2007: finally available the first web application which grants the web contents’ protection.

To avail the service is only necessary to make a subscription: Only-View creates a protected .swf file copy of each file uploaded by the user on the platform and provides in return an url and an iframe allowing users to access their own documents. Users can copy and paste the iframe directly on their own personal website if they have a domain.
In case of pictures, for example, it’s not necessary to use the image search command inside the web page html code anymore. The user will only have to use the correspondent .swf file with the tag iframe supplied by Only-View Web Copyright Security System: this picture might be displayed but not easily copied, saved or printed with the traditional systems used by the Internet Navigators.
Mauro Camelo, the application’s creator, has been creating web-based application related with management software for ages. "The web is a precious and unlimited source of knowledge and update "– he says – "but not all users avail it legally. That's why I aimed to identify a solution to guarantee royalties protection so that users’ contents could be protected from illegal downloading".
"Driving force" in the project was Starring, a company which uses the most advanced web oriented technologies focusing on initiatives concerning photography. "What convinced me to collaborate with Mauro was the difficulty in protecting royalties in the images field” – Angelo Cucchetto explains – "We face this problem every day while managing our professional images archives and our photography portals”.
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