The exhibition will take place at the Logge in the magnificent Piazza dei Priori at Volterra, in the heart of the historic centre. The exhibition will then move to the Sala Portoghesi of the Tettucio Thermal Baths, at Montecatini.
Passion for Life Art organises exhibitions worldwide with the artists supporting Passion for Life, a charitable initiative launched by Antoine Gaber, artist and researcher, dedicated to the fight against cancer. The PFL programme is concerned with both fundraising for the research but also to increase awareness of the illness. For example, a gala dinner was organised on the terrace of the Grand Hotel Baglioni in occasion of the opening of the exhibition in Florence in June 2006. The funds raised were donated to the Meyer Foundation for the onco-hematological department of the paediatric hospital Meyer in Florence. At the exhibition in Mexico, in February of this year, conferences were held at three universities in the state of Quintana Roo, in order to make the students more aware of the disease. For more information see www.antoinegaber.com
This year, the charity evening is being organised in collaboration with the gala dinner of the psychology congress “Humour in Therapy” with the presence of both Antoine Gaber and Patch Adams, the doctor who brought the “smile therapy” into the hospital ward (portrayed in the 1998 Hollywood film by Robin Williams). Participants of this congress and all the friends of PFL will congregate at the Palazzo Budini Gattai on the evening of Saturday 16th June for this gala dinner, where not only will they be contributing to a great cause but they will also be able to admire further works by the PFL artists.
The artists, painters and sculptors, photographers and digital artists who have participated in these collective PFL exhibitions to date, come from all over the world:
Andrzej Jerzy Lech (www.andrzejlech.com)
Antoine Gaber (www.antoinegaber.com)
Antonio Pugliano
Barbara Alcalde (www.barbaraalcalde.com)
Bertha Valenzuela
Brenda Charles (www.brendacharles.us.tt)
Carlo Vitali
Catalina Ochoa
Diana Calvillo (www.dcalvi.com)
Edward Rilke
Eugenio Riotto (www.eugenioriotto.it)
Francesco Bigazzi
Gina Brezini (www.ginnart.com)
Giovanni Murtas
Goga Trascierra (www.exibart.com/profilo/eventiV2.asp/idelemento/13413)
Herwig Maria Stark (www.herwigmariastark.com)
Jackie Sleper (www.jackiesleper.com)
Leonardo Perez Nieto (www.leonardopereznieto.com)
Leticia Leal Hinojosa (www.leticialeal.com)
Margherita Blonska
Marta Solsona (www.esculturamsolsona.com)
Mary Brilli (www.marybrilli.com)
Maz Jackson (www.mazjackson.com)
Mimmo di Cesare
Romero Britto (www.britto.com)
Shim Jung-Rhee (http://huniv.hongik.ac.kr/~shim/)
Sinae Lee (www.sinaelee.com)
Suly B. Wolff
Sumio Inoue (www.sumioinoue.com)
Zoltan Vasanits (www.festomuvesz.hu/vasanits)
Opening hours - ticket prices
Volterra: 14-23 June, Logge dei Priori, Piazza dei Priori
Open 10-13 and 16-22
Free entrance
Montecatini Terme: 26 June-31 July, Sala Portoghesi - Terme del Tettuccio, Viale Verdi 71
Entrance times for the thermal baths including exhibition entrance: 07.30 - 12 and 16 - 19, daily ticket 13 euro
Exhibition visit only (excluding thermal baths): 11.00 - 12 and from 16 - 19,
5 euro
For further information
Vito Abba – Studio Abba – tel. +39 055292082 - info@studioabba.com