NAVTEQ Global LBS Challenge Europe: UbiEst hits the final (again)!

UbiEst competes for the Social Networking category introducing a new LBS application for the consumer market: UbiSafe, a mobile client application for family peace-of-mind.

UbiSafe is a location based mobile service for personal security, contact locating and emergency needs. UbiSafe is targeted to the consumers’ market: it can be used for monitoring elder or invalid persons in need of attendance, for personal safety (at night, in walking risk zones, etc.) or for our children security.
UbiSafe comes as a mobile java (and java RIM) client enabling to verify and track family members’ positions on map, send/Receive emergency messages, set up personalized “safe” zones (geo-fencing) and create personalized notification rules (ie. when child leaves location).

Two main features bring UbiSafe in the forefront of technological innovation in LBS for personal security: parents can create a “virtual leash” for preventing children to move out of sight and activate a chasing mode to track simoultaneously child’s movements related to theirs while trying to reach him. A graphic toolbar helps approach the target with basic colors: red for target moving apart, yellow for constant distance and green for approaching target.

The second feature is aimed to help adolescents enjoy greater freedom of movement ensuring tranquillity of the parents: thanks to a GPS receiver Mom and Daddy can be warned if newly-licensed son/daughter excedees an agreed speed-limit by car or if a suddend breaks occours.

UbiSafe is the third product of UbiEst Location Based Mobile Services Family, wich includes UbiLoc, a mobile client for java and BlackBerry GPS embedded devices addressed to the professional market enabling phones to work as a “personal black box” combined with a web-based fleet-management interface and UbiNav UbiEst’s white label off board navigation service launched during 2007 edition of NAVTEQ LBS Challenge in Barcelona.

At Mobile World Congress 2008, UbiEst will host a booth inside NAVTEQ Stand 1G45, Hall 1 Ground Floor.

About UbiEst

UbiEst S.p.A. provides location solutions: online maps, navigation, location based services and geodemographic market analysis (geomarketing) on Internet and mobile connections for Business and Consumer markets.
UbiEst mapping services help leading companies meet informative and marketing requirements in terms of location, routing and proximity of geographic assets, road navigation, market and positioning benchmarking.
Founded in 2001 and based in Treviso (NorthEast Italy), Ubiest is part of Elda Group, leader italian GIS operator and Navteq partner since the 80s with offices throughout Italy and over 200 employees. UbiEst has developed its own technology in order to provide state of the art and highly performing Internet and mobile solutions available in in-house or ASP model from UbiEst dedicated server farm.
UbiEst offers ready-to-use products for web mapping, CRM/Call Center applications, fleet management, off-board navigation, geomarketing and other front-end applications. Our business solutions deliver geographic support onto corporate processes and functions like Strategic Planning, Marketing, Sales, CRM, Logistics and Communication.
Success Cases for leading italian Industry and Services organizations place UbiEst as a leading technology partner for the development of vertical industry solutions tailored on specific challenges and needs.

Ubiest S.p.A.
Via Reginato 85/H
31100 Treviso ITALY
Tel. +39 0422 210 194
Fax +39 0422 210 270

Press Contact
Brina Francavilla
Ubiest S.p.A.
Tel. +39 0422 210 194
Fax +39 0422 210 270

