To help secure on-going access to photographers digital resources, MomaPIX set up an emergency ftp transfer service so that archives could be relocated to the MomaPIX servers.
The emergency storage is available for four months free of charge and without obligation to subscribe to MomaPIX. This servic e aims only to give photographers adequate time to secure their on-going business arrangements. Many photographers have already utilised this service and the automated process for accessing the ftp accounts can be found at www.momapix.com/drr
Obviously at this time there are many fears about security of assets and continuity of service so MomaPIX invite you to view their statement regarding the integrity and security of their services which is available at Risk Management Strategy (http://www.momapix.com/risk-management-strategy)
All freelance photographers and photo agencies are invited to experience the MomaPIX service with a 30 day free trial (http://www.momapix.com/30day-free). The trial version does not automatically include an ftp account; during the trial period images are uploaded via a Java Applet. When you subscribe to the MomaPIX service an ftp account is automatically activated so that you can upload future images using ftp.
People who have taken advantage of the emergency ftp storage and subsequently subscribe to MomaPIX, can request that our customer service team transfer their ftp data directly in the archive of their full service version MomaPIX.
We suggest:
1) Set up your MomaPIX ftp account by Free FTP. (http://www.momapix.com/drr)
2) Transfer you archive to the MomaPIX servers.
3) Set up your 30 day free trial by 30 day free tiral. (http://www.momapix.com/30day-free)
4) Evaluate the MomaPIX service
5) Subscribe to the full service version of MomaPIX with its permanent ftp upload facility.
6) Email MomaPIX customer support to ask that the ftp storage to be linked to the archive of your full service version of MomaPIX.
The MomaPIX user manual can be found at http://docs.momapix.com
MomaPIX SITE: www.momapix.com