vWIN foundation gets active on the socials, in order to promote the importance of public venous awareness.

vWIN (Venous World Inter-university Network) foundation, created by the three university vein specialists Sergio Gianesini, Oscar Bottini and Willy Chi, has just put online the brand new website www.vwinfoundation.com and is now present also on facebook.
Even just the facebook page has more than 350 contacts, after only few days.
Thanks to the easiness of use, Facebook has been chosen as one of the main communication channels for info related to both public health and open events invitation.
The main goal is to raise both medical and public awareness re: venous pathology as one of the leading cause of preventable death, as reported in 2015 by the Lancet, one of the most important scientific journals.
vWIN has already published scientific papers, has supported humanitarian medical missions, and has created an international public health awareness project, known as Game Over to Leg Failure.
All these info are well described online (www.vwinfoundation.com).
Last but not least, an Instagram channel is now open, ready to shoot during the amazing days of the VI International Interuniversity meeting and the related public health awareness day (September 6-9) in Albarella Island.
Public will be invited to gather together for a spectacular day of fun, health awareness and free medical screenings.
Registration is already open, simply be writing to info@vwinfoundation.com
Many so interesting news will be released soon.
Stay tuned

vWIN foundationwww.vwinfoundation.com
vWIN foundation fb (@vwinfoundation)
vWIN foundation instagram

Media RelationsFabrizio Pivari
press @ vwinfoundation.com
